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Effective Protest
The Why of Peaceful Protest
Peaceful protest demonstrates the power of people and allows for the effective transmission of ideas, passion, and the strength of acting collectively. Any introduction of violence obliterates the message and becomes the story. Learn more.
What NOT to Do
What NOT to do is coming before What to Do because doing the wrong things can be exponentially more damaging to the cause than is the benefit of doing the right things. Learn more.
What to Do
Effective protest involves putting a face on the issue at hand and allowing people to see and hear what it is that is so important, with the hope that minds will be engaged (and changed, it is hoped). Learn more.
What to look out for
The opposition may resort to tactics meant to undermine the effectiveness of protests. As we saw with the George Floyd protests, right-wing operatives attended the protests in places such as Minneapolis and starting damaging store fronts and a police station to make that the story of the protests. Learn more.